London, 2022 on film
Whassssup, it’s Stef!
I don’t want to bore you more than I should, so let’s start off with a simple happy birthday. Hope you are having (or had ) a good one surrounded by your loved ones.
There are a thousand and one things I’d like to say but it all ends with a thank you. Sometimes we underestimate how effective those two little words are, but they really do sum up everything. It must be weird to have all these strangers thanking you for stuff that you are probably not even aware of doing. Crazy shit.
Anyway, I got to meet my best friends because of our common love for your art, we were destined to meet but it’s not every day that you meet your favorite people in the whole world while living in cities far from each other. Thank you for bringing the people I belong with together. On that note, thank you for Bones& All. I got the incredible honor to attend Bones& All premiere in Venice, I left Sala Grande in tears and in absolute awe. Everything about this devastating tale of two wayward souls navigating life in constant rejection and pursuit of love is relatable and a bizarre reflection of today’s society. Flaws constantly crashing with one another, the loneliness in a busy and hectic world, and the self-loathing coming in the way of finding oneself. One of the first things I thought about after watching the movie and thought it was really fitting to Maren and Lee’s story was the poem “Roll the Dice” by Bukowski, if you are not familiar with it, I guess that’s my gift for you. If you’re going to try, go all the way.

Thank you for inspiring my own art - I’m a photographer and filmmaker- with your art, kindness, and fearlessness in which you present yourself and your truths. In case I haven’t said it enough times already, thank you for simply being yourself.
Happy golden birthday man!
With love, Stef

Venice, 2022 on film

London, 2021 on film