Another incredible year has passed. I can’t put into words how proud I am of you, of the genuine, talented, caring and passionate man that you have grown into.
I’d like to thank you briefly for inspiring many people through your characters, for always remaining truthful to yourself, for always speaking about important issues and for being one of the main reasons I fell in love with cinema years ago.
I know it may sound weird but you’ve had such a big impact in my life. You helped me figure out who I was during a very difficult time when I was feeling lost and I dissociated myself from everything and everyone. In a recent interview you talked about finding your tribe, your people, your place in the world, well, I’m nowhere close to it but I’ve made some huge steps in the last few years and you indirectly helped me in doing so. I met some beautiful people because of you, people who I now consider being some of my closest friends, we lived the greatest experiences together and it wouldn’t have been possible without you. I really hope you found your people too, and if you did, make sure to keep them close!
Watching your films throughout the years I realized how close I feel to each one of them. The reason why you chose that role, that film, all of them have something to say, they’re all about people and their real emotions, their problems, human problems. I feel like I grew up with those characters, as if their issues were mine, like I was going through the same thing as Elio, Laurie, even Paul and Zeffirelli somehow, in that specific time of my life. And with Bones & All now, I can't describe how close I feel both to Lee and Maren, with their sense of loss, abandonment, with their devouring desire to feel loved and accepted for who they truly are.
Believe me when I say you deserve everything you've accomplished and much more.
It's okay to change, to improve yourself as long as you remain truthful to yourself. Never be ashamed of your dreams, of your aspirations, of your real being. Always put your heart into everything you do. That’s what you’ve taught me.
Again, thank you for being an inspiration and a light of hope during dark times for many people and for treating us, your fans, like friends, always making sure we feel loved. Maybe that’s because you know what being a fan is like in the first place, but I’m sure you know how important this person-to- person relationship is to us. I wish I could have said to you all of these things when we met at the premieres the past couple of months but I’m a very shy person so I take the chance now: my life, just like that of many other people, has gotten better with you and, even if you don't know me personally, you inspire me keep going every single day.
Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you and to be there by your side. Have the best day ever xx
ps: daje Roma, always!!
⬆️ being able to witness this special moment in person was the highlight of my year
