Hello Timothée, like every year we "see each other again" in this project but I must say that since the last time so many things have changed in my life, one in particular I owe to you, as you can see on the next page I am an artist or at least I like to create art and since I started this path of mine not everything has been easy, creating and making one's art in the service of others is for me a way of giving oneself but also giving to oneself trying to feel good in putting everything without remorse. I learned this from you, from your art that I admire immensely and am passionate about but especially from your attitude in making art, I put myself in your shoes and I imagine that it mustn’t always be easy but if you are a person who like me feels the need, it becomes a joy to create and give, of course always trying to preserve something. When I started I had no idea how to open Photoshop and what it was, I was a stranger to this world despite always being a great creative, I simply didn't believe I had any talent in this area and I had never pushed myself out of my comfort zone to try to do new things. Way back in 2017, however, when a talented actor with a big heart made room in mine I began to feel the need to do something inspired by his very presence and that's how it all started: from picsart boards and poorly executed compositions to Photoshop and posters that I spend hours making.This page was born relatively later and yet I still had no idea who I was, where I was going and what my real artistic dimension was, I was also more immature and when you’re younger I realize this can be an existential dilemma of everyone, of course I am not saying I have solved it 100% but now as I grow up and create, putting myself out there and testing myself I have learned so many new things. As I learned, this need to create increased more and more, I began to want to make it my craft, my everyday job, I began to make future plans and things that at that time actually distracted me even from my college path. I saw myself in you so much when after a few years of suffering and studying something that actually did nothing but make me feel caged, I dropped everything and started studying graphic design to pursue my dream and now I'm scared, I think it's legitimate, I'm scared of what the future may hold for me, I'm scared of not being able to carve out a space for myself in this world, scared that the future that I've imagined for myself is actually just a utopia or a "delusional dream" as you would say.But then I look at you and you are just the example that with stubbornness and commitment no dream is delusional enough and I hope that is the case for me as well, I haven't stopped creating since I started and I don't intend to because little by little I’m finding my identity, my dimension, something that I thought at one point I had lost in my life and I have to thank you for that because you continue to be and have been my muse in so many moments, for that timoaesthetic in parallel with my other creations will go on forever. This year by the way I was finally able to give you one of my posters in Venice, I think you liked it and I also saw that you and Taylor commented on some of them in an interview including mine, you said you liked the use of the car at the end of the street right in front of the heart so I wanted to tell you that having done the poster long before I saw the film I had guessed from the promo photographs that the car would play a key role and the on the road tone of the film confirmed that for me, now that I've seen it (and I've lost count of how many times lol) I can confirm my intuition was on point, the car is in front of the heart because this film represents not just a road trip but a journey inside feelings and human nature in its furthest corners, hoping to find an understanding of it and finding instead in the other the answers we seek. I loved it immensely and I would like to dedicate a thousand more posters to it as I usually dedicate them to you, for the time being, however, I will just show you some others that I created during the year and that I hope you will enjoy.
Happy Birthday Timothée, thank you for being my muse, your art in a thousand ways inspires mine giving me a way to always reinvent myself and create. If one day I ever really get to where I want to be I promise you and I already know that part of it will also be unconsciously thanks to you.
Love you 🫶🏻@timoaesthetic

Basically my latest Wonka poster (can't wait to see you) a bunch of Bones&All art because i couldn't stop making it, my beloved Dune halftone poster, you as a Yu - Gi - Oh! character, always you in Vivienne Westwood (iconic if i must), a lyric poster, you as a studio ghibli character in collaboration with @ artycasey who made the drawings and some of your best covers (Variety, British Vogue and Dazed) 🖤
I almost forgot, first one is your birthday edit which took me an incredible amount of time and patience 🥹
Hi there, I love your art and apparently Timmy too. You must be so proud! Odd question : are you French, by any chance ?