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hiba <3
Dec 27, 2022
what up, what up, what up! 😎 j'éspère que you're having the best day ever! as the french say, 27 ans et toutes tes dents! actually, you've accomplished way more than keeping all your teeth: youngest best actor oscar nominee since 1939, met gala co-host, movie producer (thank you for bones & all, it was beautiful), first solo male british vogue cover star, etc. tu es une grande source d'inspiration pour nous tous et ton éthique de travail te ménera encore plus loin, i am sure of it! so excited to see you shine even more on the big screen! on est tous si fiers de toi and i am sure young timmy who was a bit disappointed when seeing how little his screen time ended up being in interstellar would be too! l'impact que tu as sur notre génération est considérable et je suis sûre que the next generations will appreciate you as much as we do (i made sure of it by spreading your name to the five-year-old kid i babysit - he loves statistics by the way)! p.s: je m'excuse pour le franglais mais as a french person studying english and french law in london, it's the language i'm most comfortable with :,) this leads me to my birthday present to you: unlimited free legal advice! si tu en as un jour besoin, hit me up @hibakennech on instagram lol! gros bisous et encore bon anniversaire timothée, hiba, your future lawyer (peut-être)
hiba <3
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