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Little Chalamet
Oct 24, 2022
Happy Birthday, My Captain! 😎 Growing up really freaks me out 😣 but then you came into my life and saving me 🤗 You're such a talented, intelligent, cool and wise person, beautifully inside and outside ✨ You're such a mood maker for me cause I feel OK when I see you smile, FR! 😊 And you also gave me a lot of advice to live my life 🤗 Aaahhhh I wish I had known you earlier 😫 it must be amazing to witness your journey from the beginning 😍 Big thanks to Dune for leading me to find you. I can't find the proper words to express how much I love you and appreciate you, Sir! 😊 Your forever fan 💞 Lathief (little.chalamet)
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Little Chalamet

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